Plascore, Inc. Certifies to ISO 9001:2008
Also achieves international aerospace quality standard AS/EN/JISQ 9100
ZEELAND – Plascore, Inc., a global manufacturer of honeycomb core products and solutions, announced today that the company has achieved certification to ISO 9001:2008 standards. The company’s manufacturing processes had been certified to the ISO 9001:2000; the new certification meets the ISO 9001:2008 standard updated on November 15, 2008.
In a separate quality systems audit, Plascore certified to AS/EN/JISQ 9100. Based on the ISO 9001 quality management systems standard, AS9100/EN9100/JISQ9100 adherence is the highest aerospace quality assurance. The certificate has worldwide validity and conforms both to the European standard EN9100, the US-standard AS9100 and the Japanese standard JISQ9100.
“We remain committed to delivering high quality products and services to our worldwide customer base,” said Fritz Huebner, President, Plascore, Inc. “Our certification demonstrates that our quality management system used throughout our manufacturing and supply chain meets or exceeds the global standard adopted by the aerospace industry, the most critical of manufacturing. We are a quality process organization in every sense of the term.”
The International Organization for Standards (ISO) is the largest standards organization in the world, with a network of standards institutes from 159 countries. The ISO 9001 is a set of procedures covering all key processes within a business and ensures that these processes are efficient, effective and are monitored consistently allowing the company to continuously improve on its processes.
AS/EN/JISQ9100 is designed to enhance ISO9001 by focusing on the specific, rigorous requirements of the aerospace industry. Certification against AS9100/EN9100/JISQ9100 requirements can be applied to virtually any area of the industry.